OK, I think I am in now...No longer Islander , but now "calico20hill" because that is when
I started this new garden after moving form Vashon Island, WA to Warren, Oregon. My old Business was "CALICO GARDENS CUT FLOWERS" but I retired from that when I moved. Now I grow things for my own pleasure and to share with others who like them, as well as continuing to breed and grow new dahlias under the name of "Salish". I no longer live on the Salish Sea, but it is such a part of who I am....and NW Oregon is not that different in many ways. MY property here is less then half the size, and it is on heavy clay soil that is very hard to work with, I now grow only in raised beds because of that . The past 3 years have been difficult getting to know a new community with all the social isolation of protecting a medically vulnerable son from Covid. (Born with a rare muscle mutation that causes loss of energy from the muscles) My son is a great companion and cooks for us while I garden...could be worse, LOL. He is 39 now and one of my best friends. Husband is a retired Boeing Engineer who is generally up to building any garden bed or other interesting structure I need. (Right now it is a catio for our 2 new rescue kitties). My youngest daughter lives about a half hour down the road which is why we chose this location...We moved here just after our one and only grandbaby was born.
New Online Name