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If you are using a big screen, you can pin the discussions open as a sidebar. I think the option disappears below a certain screen/window size.

calico20hill So that's where Calico Pie in the Sky got its prefix! I'd noticed it when I was searching around the Internet for pictures of collarettes. Read what you wrote on Cubits about how you lost it. Do you remember its parents?

    You can reply to specific posts or you can still quote people. If you highlight the text you want to quote, a 'quote' button will appear.

      blown_dry you can still quote people. If you highlight the text you want to quote, a 'quote' button will appear.

      Great tip! The more I use this forum the more I like it!🙂

      Probably most of us have some varieties and topics in which we have no interest at all, ever. You can select Ignoring, and it will be as if the discussion never existed. At this time, I don't know the way to reverse it, or if there is one, so use with caution.

      To see ignored discussions: go to the discussion 'tag' like Photos or Chat and you will see ignored discussions in the list. To see all ignored discussions, type "is:ignored" into the search bar.

        blown_dry Hi! Thank you for creating this. I'm not seeing the option to view ignored discussions, but this must be because I haven't ignored any yet? I imagine this will appear once I've actually exercised this option? Or even more possible, I'm not looking in the right place. 😬

        You would click on one of the tags like 'Bouquets' or 'Chat' and IF you had ignored any of those discussions they would be be indicated and you could change the setting to see them again.
        Ignored discussions won't show on the 'All Discussions' view.

          blown_dry Ah thank you, I will keep an eye out for an opportunity to get started with this feature. For now, I’m devouring all of the social chatter, I feel like I’ve finally found my favorite people!

            Krista I could post the details of the 20 minute site outage yesterday. Tell everyone all about the deprecation of the swiftmailer package in composer, caching, and the /tmp directory's permissions & its umask. Might inspire you to ignore something. 🙂

              Bessie Yes, but not a detailed description.

              Fortunately, I'm obsessing over how it's running and watching for impacts on DA and I noticed pretty quickly. (DA was fine, the outage only effected the forum.)

              mr_blown_dry Touché, sir! I stand corrected. And now will be forever grateful for your willingness to be the bulwark that protects us from the intrigue that is the underbelly of this system.

                Suggestion...not sure if you can do it, but when you follow a link it would be great if a new tab opened in your browser so you don't lose your place on the forum. Pretty sure that's done on this end if it's possible.

                  Thank you for the new fields to add profile details. I really enjoy being able to hover over user icons and learn locations and zone. It's helpful for providing context to some of the discussions.