Teddahlia before the gopher started taking out the dahlias ( in mid August I think), I observed that Hollyhill Snowdrop only had a few (3-5) stigmas. I've noticed that later in the summer more stigmas are produced in most all my Dahlias. Another thought to ponder... In the summer when I'm hand pollinating, I don't always remove all the petals off the flower, which is typical when hand pollinating. I hypothesize that leaving some petals facilitates a bit of mechanical protection from the sun and drying winds, which in theory would give the pollen a better opportunity to be viable longer and fertilize.
This waterlilly is one of two Dahlias blooming in my yard. The color is much softer peachy color than this photo taken in early July. The other Dahlia still blooming is Hollyhill Serenity. I've been playing Bee with the two waterlillies, since they are on opposite sides of the yard. Pollinating in December... I'm either very optimistic, a little crazy with too much time on my hands, or both.