Margaret dislikes poms. Several years ago she agreed to hand cross a pom because I complained I could not get any seeds from them. Her one cross resulted in 22 seeds. It resulted in one pom that was introduced: HH Frodo. She refused to do any more pom crosses.
And the obvious question is: Why don't you do some crosses? I won my medal with HH Moonsong, the result of my hand cross of a giant and an HH seedling that was never introduced. It was both time consuming and meticulous work. The other 4 hand crosses had no seeds or they did not sprout. I am not good at meticulous, time consuming work and leave the hand crossing to Margaret and she gets to choose what she crosses. She may cross a few things besides waterlilies next year. Meanwhile, we have lots of hand crossed waterlily seeds. She set a personal record for seeds from one pod but she does not like me to share her stats. a
Margaret hand pollinating in 2024.