KitCMC Is that a weeping white spruce to the right? Did you stake the leader at all? I planted a trio last fall and one has a leader that points straight up, but the other two are bent 90° or more.
Yes! When I bought it, the trunk had been serpentined and staked. It’s old enough now (six years) that I took the stake out. I occasionally prune lower branches to expose the trunk a little more, but it tends to just grow longer hair…. 😜. Anyhow, I love it! The growing tip seems to be headed back towards the ground and this point, and I’m just letting it do its thing.
I haven’t even really filled the beds yet. It’s mostly just grass clippings and other compostables. I went to the city’s organic resources today for compost and they were out for the year! So probably nothing gets planted until spring.