The Portland Dahlia Society tuber sale and auction will be on April 9th beginning at 6PM(double check that time as it may be later, like 6:30 or 7). Location will be at the Oaks Amusement Park and there is a $3.00 parking fee. You must be a member of the Society to buy at the sale. Sales prices will be color coded and the categories are $6, $8, $10 and $12. There will be pot tubers , tubers and rooted cuttings sold. The auction will be a wild affair and I never get out my wallet to bid enough for anything. If there is an online sale to the public(probably), it will consist of overstock and leftovers after the members sale. Having used those negative words, there will be some bargains.
Kenora Wow, the brightest colored dahlia I have ever seen. In full sun it fades to one of the worst dahlias I have ever seen.