MissyWeitzel Wow I love this one!
I’m falling in love with varieties at Kitsap dahlia show this weekend! I’m wild about some that I’ve most certainly skipped over when shopping sales - on the flip side, there are varieties that have remained on my “want” list and seeing them irl, I’m like “meh”.
Irish Blackheart made me say “Wow” out loud to myself when I saw it at the show yesterday. I’ll be back today to look more closely and (hopefully 🫨) take better photos.

My AC Tweedly Dum hasn’t bloomed yet and seeing on here shocked me, didn’t realize what a beast it’s going to be!

Hollyhill Bewitched - whoa wow, I get it now. Also, I understand why the love of Pam Howden. Lots of her here!

When I return today, I’ll be going directly to this Hollyhill to read the tag. It was another that made me explain exclaim out loud to myself when I saw it - I LOVE this gorgeous beauty!

The kindest gentleman who is a judge at the show approached my partner and me yesterday and shared so much knowledge. He encouraged me to start entering blooms for showing, quizzed me on forms, what pot tubers are intended for, and lots of other data points that I’m so grateful to everyone here for helping me pass with flying colors! I also learned about “disc florets”! I didn’t know the term yet, only ray florets!