ChrissyPDX The large bloom on the right is the fabulous Wyn's Sensation, my absolute favorite flower. The plant is enormous already, and has produced 8 magnificent flowers so far. Also included are a few of the laciniated Kaiwera Gold, several Hollyhill Jitterbug, a nice Hollyhill Serenity in the center, and three Wine-eyed Jill that surprised me with how good they look with the others.
Krista ChrissyPDX Beautiful! If I remember correctly I think @KitCMC is a Wyn fan, Wyn’s Sensation is glorious! Check out this 17”+ stem on Catalina! I have not been disbudding or cutting deeply (shame on me!) but it’s doing it all on it’s own. JS Pinky is also sending up beautiful long stems and has surprised me with how much I’m really enjoying this bloom this year.
Juliarugula ChrissyPDX love Wyn’s Sensation! I’d love to see more pictures of it! MissyWeitzel I grew Caribbean Fantasy last year and really liked it. I felt like it had a particularly short vase life though, which ended up being the reason it didn’t make the cut this year. Otherwise, I think it’s fun! Nenakazi - fun! Clearview Butterscotch is an amazing color! I love it - wish I’d given it a better spot (it’s a bit shaded unfortunately and seems to be a little light on the blooms because of it) Hollyhill Diamond - beautiful white. Perfect size. I love these blunt-tipped, deep cactus blooms. Sandia Gold - beautiful flower, plants are kind of wimpy. Finally getting to grow Hollyhill Serenity, and it’s as beautiful s expected! Rivers Dark Chocolate. I’m including this one just to say, I seem to have a lot of trouble with my River’s varieties having hard centers. I wonder why that is? Does anybody else seem to be experiencing this? Maybe something about the genetics of their varieties doesn’t like my dirt…
Juliarugula Krista !!! Your JS Pinky is gorgeous!! That was one of my top five most wanted tubers this year, and my plant has been suuuuuper slow. I’m really hoping mine blooms or makes some tubers for next year.
KitCMC Krista you’re 100% correct. I adore The Wynne’s dahlias. I haven’t grown Sensation yet, but now I want to more than ever! Thanks for sharing it ChrissyPDX! @Krista that Catalina 😍
ChrissyPDX Juliarugula Your HH Serenity is beautiful! Mine is leaning so far into bright yellow that some blooms look like an entirely different variety. Hoping it mellows a bit as the season moves along. Adding HH Diamond to my wish list. Wyn's Sensation:
Krista Juliarugula I just wasn’t sure when I ordered it but I have been so wowed by it! We can be each others backup this fall!
NCDahlia Could be humidity on green centers. I never get good blooms till end of August just because I grow in extremely humidity (7B in the south) totally different from PNW. Nice color on the Rivers Dark Chocolate I believe I ordered that one and its still growing
Juliarugula ChrissyPDX wow - Wyn’s Sensation is really stunning! That’s going to have to go on my wish list! My HH Serenity gets some shade, although I’ve noticed that in general that I tend to get slightly deeper color on my dahlias than I expect from photos, so maybe it’s a midwestern climate thing. NCDahlia Interesting thought about humidity. I’m in northern Indiana, and it does tend to be on the humid side here. Certainly compared to the Pacific Northwest.
Krista blown_dry Wow, no apologies - what a babe! AndreaB I thought really hard about Sungate’s Stryker, I’m so glad to see a photo - it’s gorgeous!
AndreaB Hooray! The dahlias have finally decided it’s time to bloom. I’ve seen so much progress in just one day. Woodland’s Merinda Night Silence Sungate’s Stryker AC Moonwalk Kelgai Ann Esli Feline Yvonne Salish Alpen Glow (almost missed this one… it’s buried deep in the plant) RC Diane Brazil Mambo
AndreaB This makes me laugh every time I go out to the garden. 😂 Any guesses as to who the freakishly tall dahlia is? Or, to make it a little easier… who the hybridizer might be?
NCDahlia AndreaB If I had to guess I would say 99% that is a hollyhill dahlia lol. Hollyhill Zarina? I always have it grow 6.5 ft or higher some even as tall as 8.5 feet. Love the fenced in garden you have really pretty area! And the water connection too awesome! 10/10
Juliarugula AndreaB I vote HH Zarina or HH Dungeness. My HH Finlandia is lookin to be a go-getter too…
Juliarugula Krista We can be each others backup this fall! That sounds great! If I get tubers from Wyn’s Eeek! I’ll make sure to set some aside for you. How was yours for tuber production when you had it? I have two plants, so I’m hopeful…
AndreaB Juliarugula Great guess! Hollyhill Dungeness it is! Gotta get the ladder out for picture taking. HH Finlandia just doesn’t want to live at my house. I’ll be admiring your pictures. NCDahlia HH Zarina is a great guess. I grow that one as well, but it’s about a foot shorter than Dungeness. I tie some of the taller ones to the fence for extra support, but Dungeness has outgrown the fence! @Krista Happy to share Sungate’s Stryker if it blesses me with tubers!