Krista It's possible to sticky it at the top by tweaking the style sheet but I haven't delved into it at all to know where the style for the discussion header is actually located in it.
Doing so might eat up a lot of screen real estate on mobile but the height could be reduced, too, if the screen is mobile width...
Immediate Solutions
- The discussion title appears in the title bar at the top of the browser window and on the browser tab.
- Mouse to the left of the screen and a sidebar will appear with a discussion list. The discussion you are in will be highlighted.
- If you'd like to keep it there, click the push pin icon and it will sticky it to the side. Handy for navigation, too.
- The best I have is to tap reply to a post or discussion and the discussion title will be shown at the top of the reply window. You can then tap the X to leave the reply window.
There is another solution. Bear in mind, I have been reliably informed by @blown_dry that my ideas of forum nettiquette are more suited to technical forums with much higher numbers of users and may be at odds with the culture of this particular forum. I'll hide it here so as not to shock the faint of heart: The real solution is to start new discussions for new topics in the appropriate forum, so as to mitigate the number of uber long discussions.