I became a judge before they had an ADS color chart. Judges were required to use the RHS Colour Chart that is the world wide standard for flower colors and numerous other things. It was first published in 1966. When I used it , it had about 800 pages and now is up to 920. It cost about $120- in those days and I believe it is up to over $200- now. The accuracy of the chart is excellent . The ease of use is terrible.
In about the late 90s, a committee of dahlia judges was tasked with putting together a dahlia specific color chart. The result was the ADS Chart that the ADS sells. I would like to say that the ADS chart is a good product but I have disliked it from day one. Committees often cannot agree on much and I would venture to say that this committee could not have agreed on much or if they did they are color blind.