Krista Plucked a little handful of daffodils finally - I kept meaning to bring some indoors to enjoy and finally have!
blown_dry My garden made a hybrid! I have some columbine that reseed pretty successfully. One of the varieties, the flowers range from dark purple to dark, chocolate purple. I have some native, red columbine in this bed and I thought this would be yet another: I suspect this is the pollen parent: And this the seed parent:
Krista blown_dry Oh wow, extraordinary! I love columbine, and your new hybrid is such a beautiful dusty rose color. #swoon
calico20hill Love your flowers, Krista! This spring has been so long in getting here this year and I am so hungry for color! My peonybuds are getting plumper, but most are the anemone kind because that was cheap when I was creating my first garden space here and I needed cheap in order to get more flowers on this bare green field! I would love to add more of the big full blooming peonies. Ah well, face it...I want every flower I ever had before and some I haven't tried yet!
Krista calico20hill I hear you, I am always hoping for cheap if I’ll be honest. And now that we’re thinking about our home as a rental, I’ll need to begin filling lots of the raised beds with perennial landscaping. I’ll be lifting a couple of Itoh peonies this fall (primarily to move them) but I’m going to try to divide too. I’ve also been eyeing the new growth on the roses and wondering about taking cuttings to propogate more of them after this years foray into dahlia cuttings! I imagine it takes years until rose-cuttings become a mature plant though. I’d be happy to share some peony divisions this fall if you’d be interested!
Juliarugula Krista I’ll be lifting a couple of Itoh peonies this fall (primarily to move them) but I’m going to try to divide too. I did the same a couple years ago and found Itohs surprisingly easy to divide and more forgiving of being moved than the standard herbaceous. You should have good results I think!
Teddahlia Nursery rolled out some Cyclamen plants for $1.00 each. We bought 4 and have no idea what to do with them.
Krista Teddahlia This is really funny because my neighbor just dug some of theirs and handed me a bucket with one over the fence. I’m also not entirely sure what to do with it, maybe a shady spot under one of the roses? Not positive the rose will like it though, and they’re more important to me than this new guy.
calico20hill In memory of a long ago garden that I had by the back door... I planted cyclement under and around the hellebores. It was a partly shaded east facings garden and that seemed to suit them fine. Every once in a while you would see one peeking out from under the hellebore leaves. Over them were some hydrangeas and a dogwood tree.
Krista Juliarugula Oh this is fantastic to hear! This will be my first go at lifting and dividing peonies so it’s great to hear I’ll be starting with plants that will be easier to manage. Your lungwort looks beautiful and the variegated hellebore foliage is fabulous!
blown_dry calico20hill The top one is a calanchoe or maybe crassula. I couldn't find the exact one. Silver leaves with a red outline. I've seen them for sale as house plants. The bottom plant is beschornia albiflora. I actually grow one of those myself a few hundred miles to the north. It's going to bloom this year and I'm excited.
blown_dry KitCMC They have the rosette of sword-shaped leaves and then they make those bizarre pink Charlie Brown Christmas Tree bloom spikes.