calico20hill Oh for a woodland full of orchids! I have one little orchid that was left in the kitchen windowsill by the previous owner of this house. I totally ignore it except for a little water when I think of it It blooms 3 times a year for me. Its still in the same little stonewear pot and this is our 4th year here. It is a cute little thing but if it died iI would not cry over it....which is probbvly why is keeps blooming so nicely.
blown_dry I should be working on DA right now! I still have 48 pages to check for changes. Then I need to check 50 more! Here is Singing Tree, a gorgeous nursery specializing in rhodies, azaleas and other shrubs. I visited them last week while picking up my order from Bloomtide
KitCMC blown_dry I LOVE weeping form trees - this is stunning. My husband always says I like all the “sad” trees 😆
Juliarugula KitCMC My husband always says I like all the “sad” trees 🤣🤣. My dad makes fun of my “sad” trees also!
PegMc PegMc Thought to share now that I'm getting those impulse buy roses planted, I am VERY impressed with the quality of bare root stock sent to me by Menagerie. Not so much those from Heirloom Roses - Night & Day DIFFERENCE. The canes on the bare root/Menagerie selections are a good 5X times larger than those of the Heirloom Rose selections which are puny and sad looking. Very disappointed!
Teddahlia How can this African Daisy have this color combination? Impossible in dahlias. Zion Purple Sun Osteospermum
blown_dry I guess the one I grow is Zion Copper Amythyst. Annie's sells it. It's one of those things that one might find inexpensively at a nursery or big box store IF they happen to stock it. Not sure if Osteospermum named varieties tend to come true from seed.
MissyWeitzel I've had a lot going on so I haven't done a walk around to see what's coming alive in the yard since last week and the change since then is wild! All the sedum varieties have exploded in growth. The onions, sugar snap peas, poppies, and nigella have made themselves known in the vegetable garden and I found my first strawberry blossom too. 😊
Krista MissyWeitzel How pretty, I’m so glad you found time to pop around today! I’m ogling your strawberry blossom, and this reminds me I need to get out to check my peas and pals soon too!
Teddahlia Margaret wanted to find this cali and many times they use all of the new ones in hanging baskets and do not sell individual plants. She never did find it and she refused to pay $40.00 for the basket. It has pretty eye zone.
NCDahlia Not flower related but this is my garden already. Been a very busy spring and have yet to plant out tubers because still too wet. Garden I started everything from seed under grown lights. I have sweet corn, sweet peppers. 4 rows of potatoes, and 90 tomato plants. I have cucumbers and water melons but I won't plant those out till middle of May. I will get a few pictures of the blueberries when they start blue-ing up. Snow peas, beets, swiss chard, a few other china cabbage types and brocoli.
NCDahlia SteveM Carmello, Brandywine, Celebrity, Bradley, Dester, Jersey Devil, Mountain Merit, Chesapeake, Damsel, Ukrainian Heart , Plum Regal, Big Beef can't remember the others will have to check the spreadsheet
calico20hill That photo from the garden is mouthwatering! Still too cold to plan out here, inspite of it hitting 90 2 days ago. It is back to 63 today and feels quite chilly, Some of the dahlias I had left in the greenhouse have burned leaves.