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  • Weather Chat - 2023

AKWindWatcher Oh I can’t tell you how much I’d love the opportunity. Don’t tempt me, AK is on our wishlist for destination hiking/backpacking adventures and if it were to include sleds and pups, AND dahlia friends, my life will have been full.

Public radio meteorologist today: "If you're younger than 32 years old, you've never seen a storm like this in Minnesota." 18 - 24 inches of snow Tues-Thurs followed by 35-40 mph wind and -10 degrees. Stocking up on groceries and Lego sets today.

    Honnat Oh gross. Yesterday they said we'd be getting 80 mph wind gusts tomorrow but they toned it down to 60 mph. 80 is too many. Fortunately it's only supposed to get down to 45 degrees.

    "8 - 24 inches of snow Tues-Thurs followed by 35-40 mph wind and -10 degrees." Your tuber order is in the mail.🙃

      Teddahlia I hope your kidding. 🤪 The only tuber order that ever froze in the mail came from a certain dahlia vendor in Oregon City.

      I ship to an occasional person in cold climates that has a P.O Box. Rural people have metal mail boxes boxes and they do like to freeze tubers.

      We are under an ice storm warning here in SW Michigan. I just went to look out the window to see if there was any ice accumulating yet.

      Don't laugh, but I'm almost envious. It will be in the low 80's tomorrow, and has been in the 70's... the spring flowering trees are already in full bloom... and so are the weeds... I'm not ready for this yet! My energy levels are improving, but not ENOUGH to deal!

        It snowed in Seattle this morning too, we had about an inch accumulated for a few hours, but it's all gone and melted away at this point.

        PegMc I felt a faint hint of possible allergies tickling the other day and I'm with you, I'm not sure I'm ready for the spring explosion quite yet either!

        It is supossed to get down to 40°F tonight with wind gusts up to 50 mph. I was worried that the "wind chill effect" would possibly freeze the cuttings I have outside because at 40°F a 20mph wind produces a wind chill effect of 18°F. But, quoted from the sdstate.edu website: "If there is wind, it will pull the heat away from our body faster so it will feel colder. Since plants do not generate their own heat, wind chill does not affect them", so it looks like I won't have to move the plants inside tonight. 🙂

          SteveM That seems odd to me. Plants don't generate their own heat, but they have heat in their tissues otherwise they would be absolute zero. I guess what they mean is that plants are whatever the air tempurature is. Wind might reduce the lag between plant temp and falling air temps, but not enough to matter.

            Interesting snow day here. I thought it was too warm to snow with the temp around 40. It started early with tiny little flakes and just kept snowing all day. FInally got down to 32 by about dark. Its now down to 31. Itty bitty flakes do add up though. We were at around 4" at dusk. I think a bit more now but not sure in the dark how much it is. LOts of woe for the folks who have to be out on the roads or are stuck in the Portland area. Some places have a lot more snow then we do, Folks have been stuck on one of the bridges for hours. . I am so glad we can just stay home tonight!

            As long as the power doesn't go off we should be fine. If it goes off for long we will have to clear the greenhouse plants into the garage where we can built a fire in the woodstove to heat it. I'd rather sleep :-). I don't think we have had a power outage longer then 20 minutes since we moved here. So far we have none of the strong winds that are hitting my friends and family to the north. Ted, I hope you are able to keep yourself and your dahlia babies warm tonight!

            Portland is in the midst of a snowstorm that was not really predicted well. They predicted snow to the South of Portland and instead it hit the North part of Portland. Six inches at my son's house in North Portland and only a inch here 17 miles South of him. It took him 50 minutes to get home yesterday and he almost got stuck on a railroad crossing complete with a moving train. Fifty minutes is a long time to go the 1.3 miles he lives from work and as he said he could have walked in less time.

            We got hit with about 8" of it. Its a beautiful scene outdoors this morning as there is no wind and the snow is staying on the evergreens. Temp is now up to 30 degrees but it was very low 20's this morning. I was just glad that the power stayed on and the heaters in my greenhouse should be doing their job. No mail will be delivered today because the mail trucks can't even get out of Portland! One of the freeway overpasses in Portland has been blocked since last night ...people still in their cars because there is no way to leave and no where to go from there.

            So pretty. Originally an Upstate NY gal here and though I don't miss the cold or the mess, the scenery can be soooo very gorgeous after a fresh snow!

            About 6" here in SE Portland too, on top of a layer of ice from the rain>slush>snow transition. Very bright under blue skies this afternoon.

            We had about an inch or two last night that actually stuck and I can still see it out my window. This is very rare here. The last time was in 1989. College classes were cancelled today because the power went out. Perhaps someone who can't drive in snow crashed into something important.