Krista, I don't know what your home is like, but is there any way to set up a large plastic" tent like "greenhouse in your yard? Some place they can get sunshine but be protected from the cold and rain? I had one called THE FLOWER HOUSE that worked for a number of years for me. I would plant the tubers into at least gallon sized pots or the 7 gallon Ggow Bags and keep them in that space until it finally decides to be summer. When it does warm up somewhere in JUly, I would then carefully decant the plants into my garden, after making sure they were acclimated to sunlight and wind. The Flower House had a lot of windows plus two door screens that could be covered or uncovered to adjust the temperature and sun exposure. It was a bear to put away at the end of a season but you and your mate are young enough to handle it. Just be smarter then me and put it away once the plants are in the ground to save it from weather wear on the materials. Mine withstood a few sruprise snow storms early in the season, and was pretty pleasant when the windows and doors were open in the early summer. Then it was folded up into its storage bag and went into the garage.
I am tempted to buy another for myself but don't think my arthritic mate could get it up and down without pain now. It definitely needs storing about out of the sunlight when no longer needed to make it last longer.