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  • Weather Chat - 2023

If the weather prediction holds we're about ready to head into first false Spring. It's 10 below tonight but expected to be in the upper 30s by Tuesday. Then we'll go into second Winter, followed by second false Spring, then third Winter THEN Spring shows up for real. Normally snow tires have to be off by May 1st. Sometimes it's extended to May 15th due to conditions. I'm hoping that doesn't happen this year but, given the over 7 feet of snow I have, I might still have snow piles until June. That's okay, I'll work around them. 🙂

Seven feet!? Merciful Heavens! I visited my oldest daughter for her 21t birthday (Feb) when she was a student in Anchorage. I was only there for a few days but it was like being on another planet. Washington was too tame for her when she left Anchorage so now she lives in Maine, LOL.

The news hyped us up all week about the 5-8" of snow we were expected to get yesterday. It ended up being an inch or two at most. Snow accumulation is completely normal for early March in Michigan, but it still feels soul crushing to me at this point in the season, no matter the amount. I want to plant my cool season vegetables, clean up the garden, and prep my dahlia beds dammit!


AndreaB How much snow have you gotten so far, Julia?

I’m not sure. There’s only about 3-4 inches accumulation, but I imagine a lot melted since we spent most of yesterday above freezing. It should disappear quickly - both today and tomorrow will be above freezing. Monday it’s supposed to get up to 55 F!

We got 8 or 9”. Super dense snow. I could almost walk on top of it. Beautiful sunrise this AM.

    AndreaB what a beautiful morning, and photo! I’d love to be standing where you were when you took it. We don’t get lots in Seattle and I love snow. Although as @MissyWeitzel lamented, I will be happy to be getting out into the garden for some clean up and prep.

    And now the rain. That too is rather typical of Washington and Oregon. I was a bit surprised to see how high the creek was yesterday from all the snow melt here and in the hills above us. Got half an inch of rain yesterday and supposed to get closer to an inch today. As long as no trees have fallen into the creek to block it it will just be something to watch for entertainment. We could get some sleet and snow mixed into the rain today. March is not my favorite month, I will be in the greenhouse.....

    I love the snow, too. We’ve actually had very little this year. But I hate this new weather pattern
    we seem to be in. Most of the snow tends to come in March and April now. This is the time
    I want it to go away!

    I checked out the creek today. IT is running fast and loud from the snow melt and some very rainy days. I kind of enjoy listening to it roar and seeing the wild current in it. ITs such a sluggish little thing in summer.

    THis weather pattern is just hanging in here. NIght times just cold enough for some real slick highways. Tomorrow is our revised date to pick up our apple trees from the nursery that is 90 miles away and our pickup time is 11, The last 10 miles of the trip are on narrow roads and through hills and over a deep canyon bridge. I am so glad we have 4wheel drive! I'm still gonna worry about it because that is what I do best......I can hardly believe this weather pattern is still hanging in here! When I was growing up in that area we might have 2 or 3 days with icy roads in March but not weeks and weeks of it.

    Made it there and home with our little apple trees. Road was bare and wet but snow on the ground at the nursery. Then we started seeing snowflakes mixed in the rain as we got near home.Now its 44 degrees and snowflakes mixed in...probably coming over the coastal range behind our house . But we are home and it cando what ever it wants to now!

      calico20hill Glad you're home safely!

      We're headed into First False Spring over the next couple of days with temps between 32 - 38 degrees. Then we'll have Second Winter, Second False Spring, Third Winter THEN Spring will show up for good sometime in mid-April. It's coming!

      7 days later

      I need one of these. We are being deluged by another atmospheric river. I am getting flashbacks. Constant rain used to be the norm.

      It sounds like a frozen atmospheric river coming down on our house right now. Temp has dropped about 4 degrees since it started and it has got to have some hail in it. It was so chilly in the greenhouse today that I turned up the thermostat and 4 hours later I had a bunch of dahlia seedlings popping out of the dirt. I guess they finally got the cue that winter is over and they are supposed to grow now.

      Woke up this morning to 17 degrees outside. Ugh. I’m getting grumpy about this weather. At least next week looks more reasonable.

        Juliarugula I am thankful( but a bit annoyed) for all the rain after years of drought, but your post about 17 degrees is very humbling to me. It makes me feel bad/guilty I've posted pictures of seedlings planted in the ground.

          Juliarugula WOW, that is harsh! It just seems like Spring might have forgotten us this year...mid March and it should be time for trees to begin leafing out, birds to be singing, and the grass starting to grow. Even my old ornamental cherries are not showing color on the buds yet.

          Bessie It makes me feel bad/guilty I've posted pictures of seedlings planted in the ground.

          Don't feel bad! Pictures of green things are what gets me through March!!

          Today was amazing! The sun was out with no layer of fog to burn off. I worked outdoors without a jacket. I got started on garden chores, mainly in the food garden. The greenhouse was pleasantly warm even with the doors open. Here is hoping more dahlia seeds pop up and that the tubers I have potted up get busier with sending up shoots. I just set a lot of S Twilight Girl seeds to germinate.

          I think I grew such healthy tubers last fall that they see no need to get busy,...I want to see shoots coming up so I can take some cuttings. The tubers just wave sleepily at me and turn over and go back to sleep.

          We've moved from First False Spring (aka "Fools Spring") into Second Winter. Progress! Just Second False Spring (aka "Spring of Deception"), Third Winter, and Mud Season to go until real Spring shows up!