SteveM I get a similar strange pattern on the bottom leaves of my Peaches-N-Cream plants when the leaves senesce or if the plant is under-fertilized
Ok. I’ve been wanting to ask this question: is PnC (or any other variety) simply prone to weird looking foliage? I’ve got several PnC plants from varied but reliable sources, and there’s no rhyme or reason to which ones are exhibiting streaky leaf patterns. I tossed one out and put a photo in this thread earlier. Micronutrients seemed to help one, but I’ve got another one that looks vigorous and blotchy. Some are from my own tubers, which originated with a highly reputable source, new 2023 tubers from the same source, cuttings from said tubers, and one extra tuber that came as a bonus from a good (but admittedly not A+++) source. That last one is quite small still, but all the others have exhibited some weird foliage.
One other thing: I saw a photo the other day of a PnC from a nearby flower farm. I can see similar streaks in that plant too. Maybe I’m just deluding myself, but I’m hoping you’ll tell me that it’s just a trait of the plant. I didn’t see it in last year’s PnC plant (I only had one.)
Orange Globe is another one that shows odd foliage for me. It’s very dark green and curly, with some discoloration. I’d say these two lead me to doubt all the plants around them from time to time!
Thanks in advance 🙏🏻
This is the pic I saw the other day: