calico20hill I found a bump on one of my own stored tubers that I was warming up to pre sprout. I kept wondering if it was an eye, but it just kept swelling and it looked just like all the photos I’ve seen of crown gall. I kept it isolated of course, and tossed it in the trash, along with the others from that original clump.
Later in the spring, I checked on a box that had slow or lazy looking tubers, and saw similar bumps on a couple. I threw them all in the trash. I’ve only ever bought from highly reputable sources. Last year, there were only two sources, and the affected tubers came from both.
And this season, I’ve seen what looks like virus on a number of plants. In fact, I pulled one last night that I’ve been eyeing for a while. It was growing well, but looked blotchy compared to the same variety planted next to it. I’ve taken the advice to just wait for the plant the chance to “grow out” of it, but this particular one just bothered me. Luckily I had a cutting to fill the gap.
It’s definitely curious, and since I’m relatively new to dahlias, it’s helpful to hear about more experienced people’s discoveries. I’m sorry you found gall in your tubers!

ETA the one I yanked is on the left. Same variety on the right. Both PnC.