We have bad news of another source today. Anyone hear about Emerald Ash Tree borers? They are an invasive species that kills the ash trees. Yes, the old ash trees as in the magnificant old trees along our creek on 2 sides of our property. We found a borer sunning inself on our house very near one of the ash trees today. Just got done reporting it,. Just ths morning I had read about how if you report them the dept of what ever will come out and remove your trees with their big equipment and replant it with something safe. Told my husband this and a bit later he came in with one in a baggie .He had found it resting on the house wall of the catio he is building "In the shade of the ash trees" against our house! Pardon me while I cry! God only knows how long these trees have been here...they apparently like wet clay soil and swampy areas which is what the creek drains! Our trees are huge and old and drop limbs all the time and sometimes when they do the creek gets backed up and floods. The tree removal should not bother my dahlia garden which is out in a sunny 1 acre field. It could take away my prescious late afternoon shade I am hoping the other trees in this border can remain. It is a mix of hawthorn, ash, fir and maybe some other htings. It is a wonderful bird habitat and shades the creek. I hope they don't have to disturb my hydrangea garden I have spent months making! I think it is all Hawthorn and fir and a huge wild cherry tree behind it. The good thing is that the neighbors driveway is just across the creek which will give them access for their heavy equipment.
I looked up what trees could be used to replace the ash that the borers would not be interested in. Looks like Garry Oaks, Big Leaf Maple, and crabapple are possibilities. The transition won't be pretty but the aftermath could be an improvement with no more old ash limbs falling and blocking the creek and causing flooding.. I knew things were going too well for it to last now! (bangs head on hand!)