Lively morning with nature at your house! We were out in the garden, cleaning up the raised beds, adding supplements and then they will be topped up. Lots of waterfowl flying over and honking and quacking but no eagles spotted. The wild waterfowl spend a lot of time down on the marshes along the Columbia River but we seem to be in their flight pattern as they come and go.
I found a nice brown chicken egg buried in one of the garden beds I was working in. Seeing that the only time we had a hen in there was last spring when one was fostering the ducklings I was VERY CAREFUL around that egg!
My sweet pea bed is all planted out now...I really tried to keep it down to 5 plants of each color and have 5 or 6 colors...I had them growing in gallon pots of each color. It was of the new kinds I only had 2 seeds germinate when I started them back in Feb, but as I was setting them out discovered that the other seeds are just now sprouting and starting to grow down in the soil so those got planted out too.