blown_dry I missed both as well. They both have drool-worthy collections. I like to think that at least some of the reason is being sensible and not ordering more. 5% of the reason even.
calico20hill blown_dry I know I have only 6 raised beds. There ARE limits, LOL. First I gotta find room for the lovelies I took out in November...But there is always room for a new HH or RIver's or a few other ones...and then there are Gro-bags....
katyaker calico20hill Grow Bags! What a good idea! I just read some of these posts to my husband. He says this forum is bad for me and that you are all enabling me. I say, "Keep up the good work."
calico20hill Ha ha! I am trying not to count my 75 grow bags I purchased last year in my "available spaces"...because there is always going to be overflow!
Krista I grow [Edited: almost] entirely in grow bags because our space is so limited — they make every dahlia possible! bloomhjelm "there's always grow-bags" A good motto for this forum and for DA. Could not agree more!
Tamar blown_dry I've ordered from there over the years. Tubers arrive in good condition and grow well.
bloomhjelm KitCMC I had been ogling them in the fall with the understanding they may not export this year. I'm sad US got second pick, but happy it opened at all. It's nice to get Vian 2 to Tango.
KitCMC bloomhjelm I wish it had been sooner, too! Hopefully next year there is US shipping from the get go.
blown_dry Any insights on how to order to the US from Au Beau Pre? I don't see a way to order a phytosanitary certificate and their website still says they don't ship US.
janell blown_dry the phyto certificate was added automatically for me when my address was populated by ShopPay on the payment page