Is your friend growing Hy Scent in the U.S.? I’m on the hunt for it, and pleased to hear of someone possibly in the U.S. growing it!
I have a first year collarette seedling that’s only given me its first bloom so far, that gave off a scent exactly like a good, sweet smelling rose! I noticed it when I went to collect pollen, and was stunned. My wife verified…she said if her eyes were closed she would think it was a rose, and a really nice smelling one at that. The other seedling to bloom so far from that same seed parent had a faint scent, somewhat pleasant, but not near as amazing or noteworthy as that other seedling. The seed parent itself sometimes gives off a scent reminiscent of faded roses, but fleeting & faint. If my rose smelling seedling continues to give off good rose scent in future blooms, I would love to explore crossing Hy Scent with my rose-smelling seedling & see if we can get some more fragrant dahlias.
If your friend is interested in a possible trade/sale for Hy Scent in the future, I would love to be connected! If not, I would still love hearing a report on what it smells like to you when you get to experience it in person yourself!
Unfortunately the form on my rose smelling seedling isn’t anything great & it likely would have been culled if future blooms didn’t improve, had I not noticed the smell! It is a cute little thing & the red is very velvety dark looking in person (photographed a bit lighter.)