We tried a number of solutions to duck housing before this one. Little duck houses are very difficult to clean , and cleaning out old bedding and insects is important. Warm enclosing walls can let diseases and infestations happen. Short (duck sized) housing makes it hard to get in to clean them thorougly. With our human height duck house it is easy to access, easy to clean, easy to toss in a new bale of straw or cart load of other bedding substance. Use a wire fine enough to hold in newly hatched ducklings and keep out raccoon paws. Ours have a modest sized pen with access to swimming water (Kiddie pool) and when we are here to supervise they spend their day out in my garden. If we are away they are still comfortable in their pen with their pond, or if we have to be away after dark they can be safe and comfortable in their house...This is what we have settled on after many years of "garden ducks".