MissyWeitzel Ferncliff Dolly is one of the prettiest collarettes I've seen. It's also quite large. Here it is with one of my (as my husband jokingly but accurately refers to them as) man hands.
AndreaB MissyWeitzel Ferncliff Dolly is one of the prettiest collarettes I've seen. I agree. Long stems, floriferous, and holds up well to rain. April Heather is another I’d like to try, but curious if it would be as good?
Juliarugula edewitt my BQ Jean has really, um, blossomed this year too! So much better than last year. MissyWeitzel Ferncliff Dolly is stunning. I can’t believe how large it is! I didn’t grow anything open-faced in my garden this year because I thought I might want to save seed and try seedlings. But I think I’ve changed my mind about trying seedlings, so maybe I need to think about her next year…
edewitt My Bloomquist Jean plant is huge and the blooms look nothing like what I had on my puny plant last year. I love it.
MIDahlias Teddahlia You really should write a book. I wonder if all your stories can be moved into one location in the forums.
MissyWeitzel Juliarugula I just cut back or cover all my open center ones before I start letting blooms mature for pollination! 😊
Krista MissyWeitzel oh that’s a great idea - so simple but hadn’t occurred to me. Especially when planting by form - thanks for sharing your tip about this here.
Juliarugula MissyWeitzel I’ve really just had to put my foot down and face the fact that I don’t have enough space to grow both the varieties I’d like to grow and also seedlings. I just added in two vegetable beds because my family has been complaining that I didn’t grow veggies this year. So maybe in a couple of years, they’ll get bored of tomatoes again and I can convert those to seedling beds. 🤣🤣🤣
Teddahlia Barbarry Dominion is one of the very oldest Barbarrys and dates to 1988. We grew it in about 1993. Pretty flower. It may be the oldest Barbarry variety. I love Barbarry Red Dwarf and it was introduced in 2000.
KitCMC Teddahlia thanks, Ted. I love knowing about the dahlias I grow. Hopefully I get to grow Red Dwarf one day!
JessieC It’s been a while since I’ve shared any pics from my dahlia patch, so here are some photos of Orange Globe, which has been slow and stubborn. I think I was compelled to try cuttings this year in part because I only had one surviving tuber of OG. It’s hard to capture how otherworldly this bloom is! The bees are happy with it, so I’m leaving it for them, rather than cutting it to bring indoors. This was my only bloom out of four cutting plants. I gave one cutting to a flower farmer that I know and ended up receiving one in my CSA bouquet, which was a nice coincidence! Oddly, I also got one bloom off the cutting that I am growing as a pot tuber. The two plants that are in the “better” part of the garden have been inching along slowly all season. They now have fat buds, so maybe OG will give a good display before the frost. Either way, I forgive her for her fussy habits. 🤗
JessieC And a few more from Charlottesville… This is the “autumn colors” bouquet. Snoho Doris is a nice chameleon bloom. The others are Jessie G, Bloomquist Awesome, and one of very few Koko Puff blooms that I managed to get this year. Next up is Coralie with Rock Run Ashley. These both have remarkable vase life and I love how they change color in the vase.