Juliarugula Same! I’m surprise loving the Dee and Dum blooms, and wasn’t expecting them to be as large as they are for whatever reason. I’ve found both Dum blooms so far to be clockfaced on the stem (very sturdy stems albeit), are your blooms better positioned?
AC Twisp

KA Cloud

Harvey Koop foliage is looking a little funny so he’s over on the fence line for review, away from the pack.

Clearview Leroux’s first blooms were underwhelming thanks to my pinching-negligence. Ever since, they’ve been bodacious and a very fun color-pop in the garden. I think they look even more fabulous in the garden located next to KA Cloud which offsets it with equally sized, but white blooms. And for more color comparison, you can see how River’s Dark Chocolate poking up behind in this photo too.