Teddahlia Lots of flowers going into the ground and containers. We are growing some dahlias in there too.
calico20hill I am looking forward to the scene you and Margaret arrange for the dahlia tour! I still remember how beautiful it was =s last time you hosted the National Convention.
edewitt Chater's Scarlett O'Hara hollyhocks (not as red as pictured on the site I bought seeds from). Glowing Dream echinacea Grape Gumball bee balm, a very short compact plant. Coral Craze echinacea Mauna Loa daylilies Kismet Intense Orange echinacea Sombrero 'Red Salsa' echinacea Also Red Salsa but more red looking than previous photo. Milkshake echinacea Flamethrower echinacea Fireball bee balm
edewitt I wish I could say the same about my dahlias. I think the heat really stressed them out and they're 2 ft. tall and sprouting blooms all over the place. It's been in the 90's for what feels like about a month now.
blown_dry edewitt I think the heat really stressed them out My garden is the opposite. All those lovely echinaceas languish in my garden due to the cool temps.
MissyWeitzel This is my first time growing Nigella / Love-in-a-mist and it's so fun! I'm going to leave them and cut as seedpods. I love things that are easy to direct sow and basically ignore except for water!
Juliarugula MissyWeitzel nigella is lovely and reseeds itself for me every year. I just wish they had a longer bloom time! I’m crazy about my cosmos this time of year.
Krista Juliarugula You have some beauties growing, who doesn’t love glads! This is the first of mine to bloom - hoping the fancier varieties follow. I haven’t watered this bed once this year and had thought to rip them out and replace with dahlias. But I couldn’t do it when I saw them begin to come up!
AndreaB It was a beautiful and clear morning for a stroll. High of 80 today and no sign of haze from the Canadian wild fires. These are the days I would love to bottle!
calico20hill I love your shrubbery with the hydrangea! Is that dark plant behind it a Maple or? Beautiful pairing!
AndreaB calico20hill yes, it’s a Japanese Red Maple, planted in my Mom’s memory. We have a few “memory trees” on our property, for loved ones that have passed on. Still working on what to plant for our 12-1/2 yr old pup we lost in March. A dogwood would be a natural choice, but we don’t have many understory places to plant one.
drewtheflorist MissyWeitzel Spray with Febreeze ----we used to do that with limonium at the shop. Seems the better limonium looked, the worse it smelled !