Krista Krista, for growing roses on the NW's Acid soil, the best I have found come from a company in Ontario, CAnada. And yes, they are worth it! THe company is Palatine Roses and I discovered the difference in my Vashon Island Garden. You see, most commercial roses are grown on old Dr Huey rootstock, and Dr Huey loves alkaline soils. Palatine grows on Multiflora roots that they grow from seed so they are not passing on The diseases that can affect Multiflora roses. THe Multiflora roots love our acid NW soils. MY roses grew big and strong and so fragrant (Well, I would not order one that wasn't) and so healthy! Unfortunately the world discovered Palatine about the time they discovered dahlia tubers for sale. They have had to reorganize and work hard to keep their compnay small and personal while providing the plants people so desperately want. I just want to is WORTH buying this roses! And the company is run by some very kind people who really are trying to help their customers while at the same time trying to survive the plant craziness. YOu can see pictures on their website of what they had for sale this year, even though they sold out pretty much the first day they were open in Dec. I don't have room left for more but I did order 3 of them to fill in my borders. THeir Romantica versions are fantastic and I have a couple of them on order for myself.Be fore warned...if it says the plant grows to 3 1/2 feet that is in Quebec. IN Seattle it will grow to 8' or more, š. YOu will likely want to prune them...