I'm not certain of the specific forum in which my question is most appropriately posted, so feel free to move as y'all see fit.
When selecting specific cultivars, what moves you to acquire them? Is it form? Is it color? Is it utility? Or something else?
As I sit here making tags for the herd, it's become abundantly apparent that I have selected many of them based upon form (weird, wild, artistic, and/or wonderful) and color (particularly drawn to those in which transposons are operating, ergo my profile picture). Which is weird, because I never really gave it much thought. I suppose I should qualify the transposon thing, since a college genetics class served as my initial intro to dahlias. But form? Not a clue. Just a purely visceral reaction, the more far-out, the better. Frustrated artist??
I'm certain there are as many answers as there are members of this group, so if you wouldn't mind sharing I would absolutely love to hear your stories.
Thank you!