Teddahlia So I got a whole bunch of Oasis cubes because folks were raving about them. I'm absolutely in the sooooo not impressed camp. I took 3 stem cuttings of 1 variety on the same day. I put 2 in Oasis cubes and the other in a Rapid Rooter cube (what I've always used - it's similar to Root Riot). The one in the Rapid Rooter cube is going gangbusters. Lots of healthy roots and new growth. The ones in the Oasis cubes are just pitiful. Hardly any roots, the original leaves on the stem cutting are basically toast and only a TINY (think 2 day old seedling) amount of new growth.
Since I now have all these Oasis cubes, I'm just going to use them for starting seeds that I'm not too concerned about and go back to the Rapid Rooter cubes for cuttings.