From Left to Right- Seedling (culled), 20th Baker Rd, Early Girl (top), Blizzard, H198 seedling (will be a respectable contender for cut whites in my field this year.)
There is an endless desire to find a new/different white. 😜
In PA (and obvs my hybrid) C.Early girl begins blooming mid July (12th, 2022). The following week I was harvesting a stem/plant and by the end of July I had a beautiful flush ready for heavy harvesting. 4' plant that's easy to manage. One row of hortonova netting would be sufficient. I would plant it in a row of Cornel types as they have a similar habit. Blooms get loose at the season end.
20th Ave Baker Rd is quickly earning a spot in my field. Starts blooming end of July (25th, 2022). The larger ball shape is very appealing to florists. Taller plant at 5'. There is always something to cut off of it every week. I've slowly been building my supply. Ave tuber maker and ave storability. Just a nice all round specimen. I'll have 30 plants this year and will get a better understanding of the field productivity this season. Strong plant until season end.
Blizzard is such a work horse in terms of bloom productivity. Blooms the first week of Aug for me. It hits it's stride mid Aug when Early Girl is slowing down. If you gave a florist the choice of a bucket of Baker Rd and Blizzard they would choose the uniform bloom of Baker Rd 8/10 times. But white is white and during wedding season you can't be choosy. You just make a lot of money off of Blizzard. Stems and blooms stay consistent until frost. Huge advantage against other whites and a trait rarely discussed.
HH Snowdrop is the best white pom and I could sell every stem. It goes out every week. What tubers it gives store beautifully.
I have seen Formby Alpine in my sister's field. Stunning bloom. Not super productive in providing blooms week after week.