I made a terrible mistake. Well, actually 2 terrible mistakes. I wasn't going to say anything here, but maybe I can save someone else some heartache.
Earlier this "cuttings season" I was taking a lot of really small cuttings. I did it last year with success, but this year I pushed it way too far and way too small. At first it was because I was trying to get slow tubers to push more sprouts more quickly (which does work) but then I must have snapped into mad wannabe scientist mode and things devolved from there. Anyway, 85-90% of them took, but a majority of those are growing and developing roots SO much more slowly than cuttings I took that were at least 1.5". If I would have just waited I would be so much farther ahead. Small cuttings are great, teeny cuttings are not.
Mistake two. I tried hardening off some of those small cuttings that have been rooted for at least a month but are still quite small. That went ok until day 5 when they received 2 hours of sun. A bunch of them died. Larger cuttings with larger root systems did great! Small ones did poorly.
I know exactly what I did wrong and I still have hundreds of perfectly happy cuttings, but this was a gut punch.