I have reached the time when I no longer take cuttings from numerous varieties and move those pot tubers out of our work area. Lots of others are still producing and some late arrivals have not yielded the first cutting. Rooting has been normal this year with about 25 out of 36 having roots after 12 days. Usually at least one shrivels up and dies and the others that do not yet have roots are moved to the root cutting "hospital" where they will get more time to root. There are always some of those overly thick cuttings that never root and I let them try for over month before tossing them. Reasons for not rooting:
Operator error: plant not inserted into pot properly(snugly), plant had broken stem from overly vigorous removal, placing plant on the end of the flat where sometimes there is some condensation, cutting is from a very expensive tuber and you are unlucky, not all leaf cuttings root.
Not operator error: unknown(bad luck), black leg, rotten stems and the poor storing varieties have many more rooting issues.
Some flats have 100% success each year, where all are rooted and none rotted. One came close this year.
Only two cuttings of this one so far and that is disappointing.