Teddahlia This is great to hear - I need to change my lights, but I didn't even know that I did before buying an additional one this year. I have those horrible pink ones and I've now read enough mentions from you to know that these are wrong for seedlings. I hate to toss and start over so I'm just shoving my head in the sand for the rest of this year and I'll come up with a new plan next year. It's great to hear what types of bulbs you're using though, I'm noting these for when I've budgeted the dough to start over!
I've got my cutting wrapped up in a large clear plastic bag and tied up with a rubber band. Whenever we receive shipments of anything large-sized wrapped in plastic, I tend to save those big clear bags. They're often pretty sturdy and they're coming in very handy with cuttings this spring. What is the best way to check whether a cutting has rooted without causing harm? I imagine if I'd used something like an oasis cube it'd be easy.