You are probably the only person besides Dick Parshall who saw all of our seedlings. He probably did not see as many as you did. The waterlily in the foreground is seedling 21-31 a beautiful flower in a pleasing color but it has just one or two too many rows of florets. We are planning on naming it . The tall purple waterlily that I am holding is one that I personally mistook for our other tall purple waterlily. Both grow really tall and are purple. I thought we had only one purple waterlily in the seedlings. The 2023 seedlings continued to bloom after you left and another purple waterlily has bloomed and it is a deeper purple and probably not 7 foot tall flower but more likely 4 feet. Many other flowers bloomed after you left and it was nice finding the good ones without the worry that 150 people were going to visit in a day or two. After the tour was over, we got to enjoy our seedlings and our yard for many weeks. Alas, the frost has taken away most of it now.