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  • Weather Chat - 2023

Weather is what you get and climate is what you expect to get. In your case, they do not seem to be on the same page.

We had a crazy storm come through last night...not sure where it came from as it was warm strong winds, not the potential snow,frost, sleet that was forecast. Power outages in our neighborhood but we had no problem. It is still 10 degrees warmer then what we were expecting.

    calico20hill what’s strange, is we (puget sound) were supposed to get a strong wind storm last night, and didn’t. Wonder if the storm went way further south than anticipated?😅

      The back fence made it and the roof stayed on! But the gusts did rock the house.

        Paige It look like yours might be still on the way. I always read the forcast for my old home and friends on Vashon Island, as well as my current one here N of Portland, O.

        This evening I realized that I'm an idiot. The days have been warmer so I've been opening up my loft window to let in some fresh air. Not thinking AT ALL about what else might come in with the air. Queue spider mites. Ugh....

        10 days later

        What do you think the lowest evening temperature potted up "plants" can take without being stunted. In SEMI we are expecting temps in the 80's next week with evening lows in the 50's. The following week evening lows in the 40's. Too Low?

          MIDahlias - 40s is actually pretty standard summertime lows here in my part of AK. The dahlias handle it just fine. I think, especially with the high temps you have, the dahlias won't even blink.

          I would take advice on when to plant according to soil temperatures with a grain of salt. In The Seattle area, if we waited for the soil be that temperature we would have been planting in August. However, the soil was usually frost free from sometime in April through late October.. Setting my plants out in mid to late May *When ever the soil was DRY enough....worked fine even if the soil temp was cooler, I pre-started them all in pots in my greenhouse so they were a good size when set out.Usually there were a few blooming by the end ofJUNE and pretty full production of flower from Mid August through first frost around Halloween. I did have mostly sandy loam soil with occasional chunks of clay or big boulders transported and dropped from the prehistoric glaciers and floods. That soil was ever so much nicer to work with then this Oregon red clay.

          Had 8 inches of rain the last 2 days a very large pine tree fell from across the creek and collapsed 1 of my 10yr old peach trees. Also had a 2nd tree fall into where I plant my dahlias, thankfully nothing is planted there lots of clean up now. I will likely try to plant out my tubers May 1 - 7 depending on if no rain is in the forecast.

          Will be in the mid 70 - 80s and 55 low rest of the week.

            NCDahlia Eight inches!! Sorry about your trees 😔
            It was a picture perfect spring day here in Virginia. The forecast is dry, with temps in the sixties, warming up to low eighties by end of week. Last year I planted late April/ early May, with a second batch early in June. It’s tempting to try it earlier! I’ll just make sure to get the irrigation set up. Who knows what we’ll face this season!

            from the Seattle Times this morning:

            "Last month was the coldest March since 2011 and the 11th-coldest March in 45 years, according to the weather service. So far, this April is 3.9 degrees below normal. "

            I think we have been a bit warmer down here in Oregon but not much.

            NCDahlia About the same here (not far from you). We had 3 days of it here, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover how much it had soaked in. Perfect for fast weed pulling on Sunday. One out of thirteen rows done.... only one. But at least it's one!😝I am still kicking myself for having been talked into using soil that was washed from local sweet potato cultivation. The weed seed didn't wash out, and I had weeds I've never seen before that grew to five feet tall last year while I was bedridden with Long Covid. It's probably going to take all of this season to really have it fully under control and a thing of the past.

            It’s 91 degrees here in upstate NY - a record I think - me and the pups are very wilted- I hope this doesn’t heat blast the daffodils to a crisp
            I am not ready for this at all 🥵and in 2 days it’s back to normal 60s temps - what the heck?!

              OH ick! I hate days like that when the temperature swings so crazy into uncomfortable heat. Here it seems like it is never going ot get warm and sunny, but as I say that, I have been working out in the garden and its quite comfy for flannel shirts and jeans so that is about right. Its kind of hazy but the temp is 51 degrees so excellent temps for garden clean up.

                Darce same here in SW MI. It's supposed to be 83 tomorrow and 41 on Monday.
                My tulips are growing in super fast with all the warm weather. Last week they were 3-4 inches tall. Every year I buy $30-40 of clearance tulips just to use as cut flowers for myself and Tulipalooza is coming fast!