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  • Weather Chat - 2023

Very strange weather. 30 tonight and 24 tomorrow. Unfortunate as all my blueberry bushes were/are in bloom, I have 50 plants and I will likely lose the entire crop. Happens every few years crazy warm all the trees bloom out then get zapped.

    I am so sorry to hear that. Blueberries are such wonderful fruit. I would eat them all year round...in fact, I guess we do but we pay the price for winter availability.

    NCDahlia I'm so sorry to hear that! Blueberries are so wonderful! Up here, they're pollinated largely by mosquitoes which is the only redeeming factor those critters have. Well, that, and they feed the birds and our little native brown nosed bat.

    I understand we are dropping back to winter for this next week, with possible lowand snow,,,For us it probably depends on how much snow is left in those clouds after they get over the coast range. To not quite paraphase someone famous...."In the midst of spring we are in the invincible winter". Sunny and pleasant right now and I am making the best of it while I can.

    AndreaB I'm very sorry to hear about this, our furry family members are the hardest to lose - sending lots of hugs and I'm hoping you have some companions at home so the place doesn't feel too silent. 💓

      Krista Thanks, Krista. It’s eerily quiet without her.
      Grateful to have 2 other pups in our crew.

        AndreaB I’m happy to hear you’re rollin’ deep. I remember when we lost our kitty and the very still house was the hardest to adjust to - your other pups will love on you that much more now though, sounds like you’re in good paws. ❤️

        And back to the weather....I just read about California's Extreme Weather today. Its just one thing after another hitting Cal, isn't it, Are all our California Dahlia friends OK? Steve, did the wild weather reach down to where you are? And how is it where you are, Blown Dry?

        I knoew California is a big state but the weather pic looks like a big storm too.

        So far this year we have had 7" more rain than Seattle, but I still "get no respect" when I talk weather with my Montana relatives. Northern California is getting hit much worse. On the plus side, we are no longer in a drought.🙂

          Oh I am so sorry- it really is so hard to go through because our pets are buried so deep in our hearts. My Australian Shepard Rufus is a gentleman of a certain age and I don’t want to even think about how inconsolable I will be… it’s a blessing to be loved by a pet

          I live in Sonoma County, not far from the wine country. Average yearly rainfall is around 26". So far this year we're at about 36". The 75+ seedling dahlias I planted about 10 days ago are looking great. They are in a somewhat sheltered location. I am thankful for the rain! Oh, power was out for 5 hours last evening due to weather.

          SteveM 7" More rain then Seattle! Wowzers! THat does deserve respect! Congratulations on being out of the draught...I hope you will have some good years before the next swing one way or another.

          Woke up to this. At least 6 inches of snow already and it isn't going to stop until this afternoon. Sure is pretty though.

            Emilyp Yuck! Time for that to go away.
            Hopefully you’ll get some heat and it will all melt.

            We had about an inch of snow overnight but it is melting very quickly.

            We have snow predicted this afternoon also. Temps above freezing though so it should melt fast. The weather forecast would suggest we’re looking at a couple of very wet upcoming weeks. I’m getting tired of gray skies. sure would be nice to do some weeding and clean up in sunshine.

            We have hovered in the forties and fifties with nighttime temps in the high thirties, and not a lot of precipitation here in Seattle. I love the snow and part of me wishes this was our back yard, Emilyp!, it’s beautiful but I hope it doesn’t linger too long or inhibit your dahlia life!

            Seems like the atmospheric firehose hit "Northern California" and missed us here in "Upstate California" this time around. I saw that the San Leandro Dahlia Society cancelled their in-person meeting in favor of Zoom due to extreme weather. I remember years where it rained for the entire month of April, so I'm prepared to grow moss for a while yet. 🙂