Flowernut It is so true! Once you grow things for yourself your favorites may change! I’m surprised someone claimed white as a favorite color! Also Hooray for being a successful dahlia pusher 😉 !! My goal is to get everyone addicted to gardening so I have more sources to trade cuttings; starts and plants with 😂
There is someone in my neighborhood with a HUGE unused greenhouse. My goal is to meet them, get them addicted to gardening and snag an invitation to use that greenhouse “ oh you like these sugar snap peas, of course I would be happy to give you some plants! ….you know we could have them even longer to harvest if we stuck a couple pots in this greenhouse of yours” 😂😂😂 joking…kinda…😅 I’m not really thatttt crazy but seeing the unused greenhouse a girl can dream right!?
But speaking on “getting people onto yellow” I think if people were gifted or given a yellow dahlia tuber, (if there is some great big ‘bring yellow back’ campaigning) they might realize yellow is awesome or yellow is good/ or yellow isn’t as bad as it is claimed to be in the media haha! If yellow was included in the “free tubers” or if every “mystery tuber” pack included a great yellow plant to grow it might slowly tip the scale back to yellow