Teddahlia Fertilizer applied in small amounts until September is what we do. Potato farmers know that in order to get large potato yields it takes lots of fertilizer and believe it or not they mean nitrogen.
I’ve often wanted to continue with nitrogen past the Aug 1 cut-off the seems to consistently be recommended. Finding out you continue in small amounts is cool to hear. I guess it all depends on how much is retained where we’re located — annual rainfall here is about 8” which is a far cry from the 40” we expect in Seattle.
I’ve always assumed it’s practically impossible to ever have any or enough nitrogen to not need to amend at planting time, but perhaps here it could happen?
SteveM I’m hoping to get a soil test this fall to find out some soil basics and begin a plan for amendments. I will also plan for a spring test once our irrigation has been turned on again. I’d like to see the results of saturated paste tests to get an idea of what’s water soluble, and a general idea of what might be coming in with the irrigation water. Thanks very much for noting nitrogen at planting time - we can test for nitrogen again then too!