I dug the rest of the tubers that were planted in the ground last night. It was pitch black and 35 degrees out when I finished at 5:20 pm PST. I was so late digging this year and felt like I pushed it a bit since nighttime temperatures have been in the 20s since before Thanksgiving. Being from the rainy side of the mountains, I wasn’t sure how cold and for how long it needs to be to freeze tubers underground?
I’m really looking forward to my first soil tests around the new parcel. This bed was planted on 6/10/24 (spent almost 6 months in the ground) and all clumps were very small, some just mothers + a couple of spindly tubers. At planting time I have them a handful of alfalfa pellets and some chicken feather meal - but nothing else since I couldn’t get a test completed before planting. Seems they’ll definitely need some amending of some sort to get better sized clumps next season. 😅
Also, I planted garlic in that bed right after pulling the dahlias. Way late for planting garlic here in 6B but what else was I going to do with all that seed garlic? We’ll see what happens.