There lots of dahlia tasks and some are physically difficult and others boring and repetitive. Two of the my favorites are evaluating the seedlings, especially the first year's crop and the other is gathering seed pods and shucking them. The physical requirements for evaluating seedlings sounds minimal but actually it involves going through a jungle of 6 foot tall seedlings and then crawling onto the ground to locate the plant tag indicating it's parent(s). Sounds easy-peasy but actually it does take some physical effort. Harvesting seed pods is very easy work. However, when the bag of pods reaches about 40 pounds carrying if from plant to plant is very strenuous. Oops, there may have been a typo there and 40 pounds should ahve been 40 ounces and perhaps gathering of seed pods is one of the very least strenuous dahlia activities.
And why am I listing strenuous dahlia tasks? Because physically digging tuber clumps is near the top of the most strenuous activities for an old geezer like me. Is pounding in T-posts with the heavy post slammer more strenuous?
Yes and no. There are only about 200 posts to slam and there are way more tuber clumps to dig, making it the most strenuous dahlia activity.