Bessie MissyWeitzel I'm guessing the photo doesn't begin to capture the glistening beauty of the bloom.
NCDahlia I live in pretty humid climate and usually tend to get split petals that will often times correct by end of September / October.
JessieC At last, some blooms worthy of sharing! Woodlands Wild Thing did not disappoint. This is only the second bloom, but it was a late addition and I stuck it in a grow bag. The other one is Skipley Spot of Gold. It’s got a fascinating geometric pattern. I like these short squat vases for showing off blooms like this.
Krista JessieC Pretty, and I like your vase choice too! These are two I’ve never grown and they sure are lovely.
Teddahlia Bill Mishler bred Woodland's Wildthing and it was his favorite one he bred. Bill was a brick layer by trade and he was the one who told me if you put bricks into a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water, the next day the water will be all gone , absorbed by the bricks. He drove a diesel Rabbit pick up for years and got 70 miles per gallon(not really). However it's top speed was something like 55 MPH. He bought a Honda Fit when they came out to make his wife Betty happy.
Juliarugula Teddahlia He bought a Honda Fit when they came out to make his wife Betty happy. Betty had good taste in cars. I’m bummed they don’t make Fits anymore and my next car will have to be something else.
Bessie River's Bubble Gum is a gorgeous bloom. I'm seriously shocked at its form. It's classified as BB FD P in the River's online catalog. This bloom really makes me want more of their dahlias.
calico20hill Thank you for the lovely dahlia photo . I would be happy to put those blooms into one of my bouquets!
MissyWeitzel Bracken Palomino Kelsey Aria and a bee coming in for a landing Kenora Lisa Bloomquist Simple River's Snow Cone Sheval Megan Creamy
NCDahlia MissyWeitzel Nice on River's snow cone is it floriferous? Great pic with the honey bee! Also is cool seeing the pollen baskets on their legs. Even after keeping bees for +10 years I smile every time (unless they get pollen-bound brood boxes).... 😄
Teddahlia Creamy is an older one and was bred by the late Phil Traff. Ginger Clack of Clack's Dahlia Patch(CDP) grew it for many years as it was an excellent cut flower. She was about the only one growing it and then the people were looking for that light cream color re-discovered it.
MissyWeitzel NCDahlia not floriforous so far but I try not to judge tubers in the first year with me when they come from the other side of the country. Many of my new to me tubers this season have been underwhelming. I've also had BAD spider mites and powdery mildew and the weather has been weird. Everything is looking much better now so maybe September and October will be extra good. 😊