Bessie WanderingDahlias nice photo! The KA's Coral Seas is a lovely color and has nice floret shape. How big is the bloom? Is there a tight center?
WanderingDahlias Some new and old friends that I’m wild about so far … The lovely Molly Raven KA’s Mocha Katie is a watercolor painting MD Barbie began as hot pink and evolved to this. A stunner! Lee’s Lotusland - looking forward to the evolution on this one! Normandy DeeGee, seriously in love! Narrows Lori, been chasing her for 3 years because I’m a Lorie
WanderingDahlias Curious the origin of the name Eperler Ley, but what a beautiful dahlia! Princess Nadine will knock your socks off. Another chaser that I’m thrilled with, KA’s Papa John RM Baby Girl is absolutely beautiful
WanderingDahlias blown_dry This was the first bloom and I’m quite happy with the center. Would hope it will tighten as the plant matures. Around 4” Bessie
bloomhjelm I was out spraying for powdery mildew for a while. Time for a big bottle. My only blooms are still Bull's Blood and Sandia Bliss, with Sandia Gold and Lakeview Blush coming up next. I probably was overcautious in planting as late as I did.
WanderingDahlias Krista I did start many early and our spring in Missouri came early so I got a jump start.
MissyWeitzel My primary waterlily bed is a hot mess right now due to a miscalculation when I was making my new layout this spring. Instead of having a walkway next to my vegetable garden fence, the waterlily bed ended up directly next to it and it's not even August and they're all rather smooshed. Despite my ineptitude, I'm cutting some beautiful stems outta there! This is my first Hollyhill Pandora bloom and I'm really impressed by the strong stems and the color is quite striking in person. It is definitely larger than many other WLs I grow, and the bigger, the better for my personal taste! To answer @edewitt question a little farther up about Taratahi Ruby, as I was pulling the organza bag off another bloom this morning, a petal fell off so I took a pic. Yes, it definitely has yellow just at the very base of the petal and the petal reverse has a bit lighter color too.
Teddahlia Many nice red dahlias are red pigment over a yellow base. Purple dahlias are the same pigment over a version of white pigment but another version of white will cause the flower to be red. There are several versions of white.
MissyWeitzel This is Baron Nikki. I did not quite capture the perfect orchette petal roll. This is my first year with it and it and I love how the warmer cream shade of the petaloids contrasts with the cool pink of the petals. It looks really pretty in person.
Juliarugula MissyWeitzel Baron Nikki is super pretty! I love the color combo. I’ve been having fun with my iPhone camera settings this year. Here’s a photo dump. Zwink is soooo much prettier earlier in the year than it was last year. Last year it was a total mess until it started to quill in the fall. Country Superstar is so cool. I really thought Hapet Cupid was supposed to be pink. I’ve been so happy to finally get Hollyhill Toni, but it definitely looks virused. Again. I’m conflicted this time, because this plant is so vigorous and floriforous, but concerning foliage. Sigh.
Teddahlia Next year HH Lemon Ice and HH Toni would be worth quite a lot in a trade. Both of them are flowers that we have not grown in many years and Margaret wants them back. Lemon Ice is actually a Swan Island variety as Nick Gitts Sr. gave us some seeds(350 seedlings) and this was the only one that was any good. HH Toni is a seedling of Mingus Toni and grows much taller than the Mingus version.
Juliarugula Teddahlia I would of course be happy to trade next year. Like I said, the foliage on HH Toni is pretty questionable, but it’s been a good grower/bloomer. I’ll try to remember to take some photos this summer so you can see what I mean and make a decision when the time comes.
Juliarugula WanderingDahlias ah, now I see that it’s KA’s Coral Sea. Also, I learned that if you click on the highlighted area with the name of the person being replied to, a text window with the original post will show up. What a cool feature!
MissyWeitzel Maks Royal Ruby and Taratahi Ruby. I think Taratahi is on the left, but I took the pic early this morning and I'm not sure I could tell them apart now. I need to look at the plants closely tomorrow and see if i can notice any leaf or plant habit differences there. They both have the same lighter color on petal reverse and a little yellow just at the very center. Has anyone grown both? I've had Maks Royal Ruby for 2 years but Taratahi is new to me this season.