blown_dry SteveM From my collection of antique, "Siesta Ware" vases. Aaaaactually, isn't that the rare "Low Sodium" variant of the Veg Au Tablé line of vases? Great Value. I love the bloom. Coral is my favorite.
Bessie SteveM I know you hybridized Lynn Slight. What are some of the other dahlias you've created that we might recognize? I find that Lynn Slight is the easiest Dahlia to propagate from cuttings, and the tubers seen really hardy.
SteveM Thanks to Marryn at and Erika ( @AKWindWatcher ) for getting Montana Centennial to me. My father introduced this B (6") light blend in 1990.
calico20hill SteveM I am growing it also. The colors in the photo are even prettier then what I got last year. It did make seeds and I have at least 3 seedlings growing. It is fun to have a piece of dahlia history to grow!
calico20hill calico20hill I have not seen a bloom on Montana Centennial this year. I better check and see if the plant looks healthy...or even still exists. I know I did save some seeds and planted them out but I don't think I have seen any blooms yet. I enjoyed it last year.
Teddahlia Encyclopedia of Dahlias by Bill McClaren is still available used on Ebay. It must be a good book as there is a picture of Hollyhill Electra in it. It is an excellent book and I learned a lot from it.
edewitt Hollyhill Serenity Hollyhill Ambiance 2nd year of this one and it's chockful of pink blooms. Myrtle's Brandy. I remember this being one of the first "must-haves" for me. I bought one from Clack's Dahlia Patch for 2010 but it didn't keep over the winter and the popularity must've waned so I didn't see it available to buy for quite awhile. Hollyhill Starburst Polka is a weirdo of a bloom but I do like it.
Juliarugula My waterlilies are doin their thing. Sandia Bliss, Sandia Susan, Hollyhill Pandora, and Kelgai Ann. (Yellow in back is an almost-waterlily seedling that’s not amazing, but I may hang onto for another year)
Krista I just love seeing your blooms already, @Juliarugula! Jennie looks beautiful in your arrangement, who’s the deeper purple bloom in the lower left of the first arrangement?
Juliarugula Krista That’s WB Bluebell. It was one I really liked last year, but it barely bloomed and was very late. I gave it a better spot this year and it’s been pumping out the flowers! So glad I gave her a second chance!
Krista Juliarugula Thank you! She’s really sweet. I like those ruffly, pinstriped petals with twinkly, white tips!
Emilyp This Hollyhill Serenity over-wintered in a raised bed in zone 5B, I must have missed a tuber last fall. Crazy since we had below 0 temps. The combo of being a sunny location with good drainage must have been enough, but I am still shocked as we didn't have much snow to insulate the soil. One other tuber (Just Lucas) that I must have left behind survived as well in a different raised bed. Very surprising, and very appreciated because I planted late and it will be awhile before I have any blooms from this year's tubers.
Juliarugula This is the third year I’ve grown Hollyhill Snowfire, but last year I only planted one plant and it got swallowed in the jungle and never bloomed. I’m so happy to have her back! Bloomquist Wild is pretty brilliant! This is my first year growing Seabeck’s Shirley and it’s sooo bright! Really, a neon yellow/orange combo. AC HB. I wonder is HB is for “Hart’s Bonnie”? So far, all the blooms have been pretty clockfaced.
Krista Juliarugula Good grief, these are exquisite blooms and photos! Wow to HH Snowfire, and your pic has me pretty excited to see if Seabeck’s Shirley’ll bloom for me this year. I can’t wait to see some neon yellow/orange! Thank you for these luscious bloom photos today 💞
Teddahlia Snowfire was originally a tricolor but varied a lot and some were bicolor. We kept only the bicolor and it has pretty much been bicolor.
Juliarugula Teddahlia here’s a photo from the first year I grew HH Snowfire. I’m kind of hoping for some more of the variegated ones also. I loved the variety of patterning I got that year. Lots of white blooms with streaks in addition to the yellow variegated.
Teddahlia Love your Snowfire and I personally like having several versions of it around. However, we have just the bicolor version right now.
calico20hill Your maybe Hart's Bonny looks like the Hart's Bonny I grew a number of years ago, at least as far as my memory of it goes.... Nice!
Juliarugula calico20hill well, it was purchased as “AC HB”, which I think is correct. I’m more wondering if it was named “HB” after “Hart’s Bonnie”, either because it looks like it or because maybe it has Hart’s Bonnie as a parent?