I planned to be very wise and shop NO sales in the fall, and to make NO impulse buys. Then sellers had to sneak up on me with beautiful photos of things I never got last year. Oh I was also definitely not starting new fall cuttings from anyone else.
So from Kennedy Hill I got Eden Blush On and Hollyhill Bashful and Levi's Revenant (have to see what the fuss is about.) Oh a Facebook grower who takes email orders had AC Clouds and Rain, and Lakeview Kaboom. Then someone had some Ruskin Bride and I hadn't ever seen that. Then TGF had HH Mischief, FC Honeycomb and CV Ginger.
So yeah everything according to plan.
PS also Barry Davies eBay seller account mistakenly listed some tubers on eBay.co.uk with free international shipping, and I won an auction for Miss Coraline but they caught it and cancelled my order. Haha a girl can dream.