I just caught up on the cuttings thread where the virus discussion started.
Two things to add to the body of evidence -
1) there are older studies that show how long TSWV lives on surfaces and what disinfectants will kill the virus. I believe this is one body of evidence researchers cite when saying a 10% bleach solution is adequate for controlling that specific virus.
One thing that makes my common sense flag fly is when presentations state only ___ insect can be a vector for a virus. If a blade or a finger tip can carry a virus from one plant to another then how is an insect's piercing mouth part any different regardless of species? This is not a rhetorical question. I want to understand.
2) From my Google doctorate in plant virus and speaking with one researcher in person, DMV/DCMV isn't the worst virus in terms of economic impact. At this point, this DNA virus seems to prefer dahlias and dahlias only. The risk of this virus infecting other crops is currently low. (As always, science and time can change current understanding.) DMV/DCMV is a hot topic now because it's "newer" and also harder to test and diagnosis. DNA diagnostic testing is evolving. Prevalence will only increase as more testing happens. Don't misinterpret the data as the virus is all the sudden spreading. It's already there. Now you know about it.