Krista comparing to your photos
Sorry for the off colors. For some reason my iPhone seems to want to use one of the preset cartoonish, selfie settings and I'm not sure where to change it. Maybe the photo is of some use despite the poor quality.
Anyway, the spots on my cold-grown PnC are similar but, in my case, I believe it is a nutritional deficiency caused by growing in too cold of an environment.
Krista Her grow space is indoors, and very warm
"very warm" would make me suspect a fungal infection
Krista want to move it to the very end
My initial suggestion might not be much of a benefit since, if it is fungal, the spores are likely already floating everywhere.
Krista I may have ended up in the wrong place
The only experience I have had with rust was on some badly infected asters. There were a lot of rust-colored spores that would rub off and turn my gloves orange.