I think if you were to know the relative humidity of your dividing space and track it over time it would fluctuate more significantly than you think in your current setting, especially the greenhouse. Water on the floor doesn't always equal atmospheric water content.
I think it's an environmental issue. I would shorten the time from dividing to storage to 48 hours. Fresh dahlia tubers are very much like new potatoes. There is a dynamic process of respiration that is happening while they adjust to long term storage. Keeping the RH in the 90% range while keeping the tubers dry (and healing) is your goal.
You moved to this new place 2 years ago? And have had trouble both seasons? You might need to rethink your process and packing materials.
Govee is a brand multiple people have recommended to me for accurate humidity readings. I'll be trying it this year. In the past I've used Acurite, but they accuracy is questionable. I feel like I've had some devices work well for a long time and others never read correctly.