I really haven't noticed a varietal difference in vase life.
Form/size difference - Yes. ie - a Miniature ball will last longer than a B-SC. Beyond that, it really has everything to do with the health of the plant, the moisture in the plant the timing of the harvest and post harvest care. I cut EVERYTHING early morning....as in, I'm crazy and am out there with headlamps from 3 am - 6 am for farmer's market harvest. A well hydrated plant at the time of harvest is KEY. Plants are most hydrated in the early hours of the day before the sun hits them.
My customers rave about the vase life of my dahlias. My "regulars" will give me week to week comparisons on occasion. More often than not, they will remark that flowers don't last as long when the weather has been hot and dry (generally before September 1). I try to time my irrigation to be the day before cutting to give them the most hydration possible.