JessieC Juliarugula beautiful! I have noticed more spectacular hellebores and daffodils this season than I can remember. Lovely combo in your arrangement.
Krista Juliarugula Wow, what a lovely bouquet! I’m sure we are all so ready for fresh blooms and pretty arrangements already. I needed this pop of sunny yellow today, thank you!
calico20hill calico20hill My husband counted 30 eggs in the nest. It is now warm enough that it would be OK if one of the ducks decides to sit on them. I had him do the float test on the eggs and pick out 3 of the ones that did not float, to start a new nest for them. It is warm enough now they may decide to sit. I wanted to know that all the eggs were fresh enough not to be rotting. We do not need 20 new babies either! A small hatch of half a dozen would probably end up with 4 or 5 adult ducks. That we could handle.
SteveM Eye candy for a cold, windy, cloudy day. Ranunculus, a harvest by my neighbor, ready for market. Most will end up at the LA Flower Market.
Krista SteveM Wow what a dreamy sea of colors in every shade. I love ranunculus, and it looks like your neighbor grows a nice selection of varieties too. How pretty, thanks for this color-pop today!
bloomhjelm Duck update. It's around 70 degrees outside. I'm living in the delusion it's really spring.
Krista bloomhjelm A warm sunny day and a pool all to themselves, what lucky little duckies. Their baby-fluff is so adorable!
Teddahlia Someone stole my Facebook portrait and has been using it to find friends. Changed my name too. I changed my picture on Facebook to an older one where I am younger. Next one will be a picture in the morning when I get out of bed and look to be 110 years old.
calico20hill Teddahlia Oh Man, that is outrageous...Someone pretending to be THE TED. I wonder how much they know about you. If "you "offer me some fabulous new hybrid just out of the goodness of their heart I will report them immediately!
KitCMC Teddahlia you might be the first person blackmailed for tubers. All kidding aside, that stinks.
Juliarugula Tulip time! I really wish they wouldn’t all bloom at once… Also, ipheons are so dreamy. I need to start up a second little pocket of them somewhere…
MissyWeitzel I'm up to my eyeballs in tulips too and I couldn't be happier! I don't sell tulips - these are strictly to enjoy and spoil friends and neighbors. Our garage fridge is full of beer so there's no room for tulipd and I'm hoping some of the late varieties hold out 'til closer to Mother's day so I can make big vases full for mom and MIL. 😊
Juliarugula MissyWeitzel the photo I posted is out beer fridge. Beer will keep just fine at room temps. 😜 I do a little flower cart at the street once a week during peak times and sell a handful of bouquets. But this year I decided I’m going to try to focus on bringing flowers for my mom and her neighbor who deliver for Meals on Wheels. The people on their route love when they get a bonus bouquet! It’s really more what growing flowers is about for me…
MissyWeitzel Juliarugula bummer! All my Menards tulips are great so far. Quite a few are incorrectly labeled, as per usual.
Juliarugula That said, I’m feeling kind of cranky today because I seem to be having problems with Tulip fire on all the Costco bulbs I bought this fall. The Menards tulips seem to be in much better shape. I ended up pulling and trashing a whole bed, and I have another one I need to get to soon.
Juliarugula MissyWeitzel yeah, I always get some mislabels. Pretty low stakes with tulips, though since it’s a one year investment. One year I got a mislabel that turned out to be my very favorite tulip ever! Ha! (Virichic, if you’re wondering. I bought it as some basic pink Triumph, on clearance)