Krista I’ve grown rampicante before too. It’s very very productive and definitely can handle the borers. However, I wasn’t crazy about the flavor (very mild) or texture (pretty seedy) as a summer squash. I don’t think I kept any as winter squash.
I do have a good summer squash recommendation though! It’s Rugosa Friulana. It’s so so good and flavorful, with fewer seeds than many summer squashes, and it’s also a moschata, oddly enough. Sometimes the borers can take out a couple of leaf stems but I don’t think I’ve ever lost a main stem to them. It grows mostly like a summer squash/zucchini but as the summer wears on you will start seeing its vining tendencies as it sprawls. It’s the only summer squash I grow. The only drawback is that it isn’t as productive as a lot of summer squashes are, but that’s kind of ok? Usually they’re too productive anyway! 🤣
Baker Creek Seeds has both of these varieties.