Zero cringing from me! Some really great garden experiments and discoveries I have found out from being too tired to do something the “ideal” way or just from me forgetting or not wanting to do some task. Lots of experiments also have happened due to gardening with my young child “helping” me 🙃
My son really wanted to replant some on the tubers immediately after I divided a clump….and I let him because the time he spent digging some holes to plant the tubers bought me a whole lot of uninterrupted time to get stuff done in the yard.
There were a few plants where I dug, divided off a few tuber chunks then immediately replanted them. I have a lot of gaps in one of my dahlia raised beds. I am planning to overwinter those tubers in that bed so I thought it would be easier to plant to fill in gaps when I can see where the existing gaps are now in the raised bed.
Latest garden slacker discovery: pre sprouting ranuncula corms works when done the same style that I sprout seeds (wet paper towel and zip loc)….after soaking the corms I realized I was out of potting soil and knew there was no chance of me going shopping any time soon so tested this method out. I must say much cleaner, less space, and similar results so far as sprouting in seed starting mix or soil.